How to recover fast from a root canal?

How to recover fast from a root canal?

How to recover fast from a root canal?

Our 8 tips for a speedy recovery after a root canal includes:

  • Keep your head elevated and please don’t eat anything immediately
  • Take a pain medication
  • Gargle with warm salt water
  • Avoid anything that can cause inflammation – abstain from hot food for the first few days , no smoking, do not drink from a straw and do not eat hard foods or foods that you need to suck.
  • Eat icecream and use a cold compress
  • Relax after your root canal for a couple of days..

You should be prepared for what you might expect after a root canal . This could be sensitivity to hot or cold food, sensitivity to biting and a dull persistent toothache around the area.

And finally.. call your dentist if you are worried..